...describes major streets in the South Boston General Neighborhood Renewal Plan area; gives accident statistics for each high accident location, 1956-1960; discusses public transportation, traffic circulation and truck routes; projects traffic volumes to 1980 and makes recommendations; includes a draft report describing the proposed arterial highway plan for the regional core area (downtown, South End, Back Bay and part of Parker Hill-Fenway area) that discusses an inner belt expressway, Massac
...husetts Turnpike extension, Central Artery, Southeast Expressway, Storrow Drive, Riverway-Boylston connector, Atlantic-Dorchester connector, Dover and Albany Streets, Boylston-Beacon couplet, Kenmore Square area, Columbus and Massachusetts Avenue and Charles, Arlington, Berkeley and Clarendon Streets and which also projects traffic volumes to 1980; a copy of this item was in the BRA collection...
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